Are You Looking for the Best PRP Kit Suppliers?

A non-invasive procedure known as platelet rich plasma therapy is quickly making a name for itself in the fields of medicine and aesthetics.

To effectively separate the blood components and obtain the autologous platelets needed for the platelet-rich plasma injection, any clinic providing this therapy must have a reliable PRP kit.

So, what characteristics should you search for when purchasing a PRP kit? To promote wound healing and tissue repair, it is crucial to employ a PRP product with a raised platelet count and a concentration of growth factor components in any PRP therapy. 

The ability of a PRP centrifuge to effectively deliver a high concentration of deliverable platelets must be taken into account initially when making your decision. Italian PRP tubes will be available in Germany from Plasmolifting Technologies, which is a core product of this company.

Based on the segregation technique, the kits are classified into the following types.

  1. Gel separators

Gel separators are essentially just a special test tube filled with gel. Because the gel has a density between blood and platelets, it functions.

The platelet portion of the blood will therefore move to one side of the gel when you fill it with whole blood and spin it. The blood portion will move to the other side.

The majority of the platelets will, however, end up being caught in the separator gel itself, which is the primary downside of these gel-based PRP kits. Hence, when you sequester the platelet component, you get a 1-1.5X concentration.

The gel’s ability to separate white blood cells is one advantage. Therefore, the obtained PRP has nearly no RBC and WBC.

  • Buffy coat based

The best kits for providing concentrations of platelets ranging from 5X to 7X are those that result in a noticeable buffy coat layer following centrifugation.

Buffy coat, which is essentially plasma with suspended platelets, is a thin coating that forms between the platelet serum and the blood and is neutral or buff in colour. Now, a buffy coat won’t do much good on its own.

Instead, you must be able to properly remove the contaminant-free buffy coat from the RBC. The buffy coat will consist primarily of plasma and white blood cells after proper separation, with a concentration of 5X to 7X platelets and less than 10% RBC.

  • Double-spin based, Buffy coat

A third category of PRP kits, based on Buffy coat, allows for double-spinning without adding more red blood cells to the mixture.

The best platelet-rich plasma kit available is this one. Since all it really helps you to do is sequester the Plasma and Platelets combination and perform a second, quick spin in the centrifuge to isolate the Platelets even more.

This time, the platelets will gather near the Plasma serum’s bottom. Once this is completed, all that is left to do is take the serum’s bottom part, which will have a plasma concentration of 5X to 7X. 

Obtaining this kind of final product is crucial in this situation because studies have shown that Platelet-Rich Plasma needs to have 1 million platelets per litre or more in order to have clinical advantages. This is 5 to 7 times the typical platelet count of 200,000/L.