What is the ideal Time to Get Invisalign?

If your child has misaligned and crooked teeth, they may feel conscious while talking to their friends or smiling during public gatherings. According to a dentist in Fairfield, CA, it is best to get Invisalign treatment to see effective results. However, getting this treatment at the right time is important to see effective results. In this article, we have listed the ideal time for getting Invisalign. So, without any delay, here we go! 

What is Invisalign? 

These are thin, clear aligners used to straighten your misaligned teeth. These are completely invisible and fit over your natural teeth. The best part is it will remain unnoticeable, unlike the wires and brackets of traditional braces. There are several dental conditions that Invisalign can treat. These include: 

  • Overbite, crossbite and underbite 
  • The gap between your teeth 
  • Crowded or misaligned teeth 

When should you get aligners? 

According to dentists, you must get aligners between the ages of six to ten years. During this period, it is easier to align all misaligned teeth efficiently. Getting alerts once you hit your teenager is also effective, as it will comparatively take less time to correct all misalignments. If you are getting clear aligners, wear them for at least 20 to 22 hours a day to see effective results. 

Benefits of getting aligners at an early age 

Top benefits of getting aligners at an early age: 

1. Easy to straighten your teeth 

Before you hit eighteen years of age, your mouth is highly malleable. After that, your bones become extremely rigid. As a result, the process takes longer after you cross your teenage years. Getting aligners at an early age minimizes any future dental issues. As an adult, it minimizes the chances of getting other expensive correcting measures to treat this problem. 

2. Promotes healthy facial development 

If you have braces at an early age, it promotes healthy facial and jaw development. A misaligned and crooked jaw may result in asymmetrical facial features. Therefore, you must take measures to correct these misalignments to prevent facial changes.  

3. Helps in reducing speaking problems 

Your child’s speaking abilities are highly influenced by the position of their teeth and tongue. Once tooth alignment problems are treated, it promotes clear speech and correct punctuation. By aligning your teeth early, all incorrect speaking patterns are treated correctly. 

Wrapping Up 

If your child has crooked and misaligned teeth, take them to your trusted dentist at the earliest possible to spot effective results.